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Operation Christmas Child
Catch the Vision
Packing shoe boxes for OCC is more than just toys in the box. It is sending out gospel opportunities to children around the world. Jose is an actual recipient in Mexico of a shoe box packed by Calvary Church. The box is filled with items made and donated by our members.
Catch the vision and pack a shoe box with us.
Upcoming Events
​Packing Parties
October 26, 2024
November 9, 2024
How can I participate?
Donate funds - $25 will fill and ship a box which may include a soccer ball, pump and needles, a hygiene kit, school supplies, and fillers.
Volunteer to braid jump ropes, crochet, knit, sew, and create other craft items.
Attend a CAP day
Purchase items from the Amazon Wishlist
Become a "Super Shopper" looking for bargains at your local stores.
Designate donations "OCC"
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